HEAR: We sang and did hand motions to "Head & Shoulders" and "5 Senses", and shook our music shakers to the tune of "If You're Happy and You Know It" and "I Know a Chicken". We played Simon Says and the kids identified the body parts we use for our senses.
FEEL: For arts & crafts we made a texture collage. It was fun squeezing out the glue and feeling the different textures of the materials.
SEE: We looked through binoculars and decorated our own silly goggles. The kids looked so cute-like little superheroes!
"I'm making a cake" |
TASTE: We quickly moved on to a more edible snack...popcorn, grapes, and lemonade. We learned that popcorn can be experienced using all five of our senses.
REMINDER******No Tot School on March 18 (Spring break) or April 22 (Easter weekend).
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