Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Welcome to Little Tot School

Well, we are starting our first week of tot school and I am so excited to have my good friend Janet to assist me with the planning and activities. It’s going to be fun! I am not a professional preschool teacher, just a mom who wanted to provide a fun way for my toddler to learn and decided to start a preschool program at home to give other kids the same opportunity. I do have a teaching background and did lots of research but this is still a new venture for me. I hope to learn more from this experience and be able to share with other moms that have similar goals of educating their toddlers/preschoolers at home. Kids this age LOVE to learn and play! It’s going to be so much work and so much fun!

Our program will be a 2-hour session, once a week and consists of the following: free play time, arts & crafts/learning pages, large motor skills activity, snack time, circle time (songs & stories), and table time. Our class size is limited to 5 students and the age range is 2-4 years. The knowledge and skills we are emphasizing are below:

Little Tot School Curriculum and Activities:

Alphabet and Phonics
Numbers and Counting
Sorting, Sequencing, and Matching
Colors and Shapes
Pre-writing & Drawing skills
Fine Motor Skills: cutting, gluing, pouring, transferring, lacing, etc.
Large Motor Skills: dance, yoga, outdoor play, etc.
Music and Rhyme
Artistic: free and planned
Puzzles and Building Activities
Reading Activities
Bible & Values education
Life Skills

A special thank you and credit to the following sites for their great ideas, many of which I have used in planning this curriculum:

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