Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Jump & Bounce

The kids jumped energetically and were full of excitement and delight over the giant bounce houses and slides.  Even the adults got their exercise chasing the kids around and keeping track of who was where.  I’m guessing the kids took good naps after all that bouncing.  It was SO much fun! Here are some photo highlights from our awesome day...

Friday, December 10, 2010

Tot School Christmas Party

This is our last day of Tot School for this year and what fun we have had!  Today we had a big party to celebrate winter and Christmas and the best gift of the season…Jesus!  We sang "Happy Birthday Jesus" and "Twinkle Twinkle Christmas Star" and opened our gifts together.  Here are some fun photos from our day:
We used paper dolls to tell the Christmas story
Handmade tree ornament

Making Christmas ornaments and storybooks

Gluing the storybook pages together
Symbols of Christmas

Coloring our Christmas angels
She likes to peel her crayons

Making silvery hand print angel wings

Playing with puzzles

Matching shapes

Snack time

Throwing balloon snowballs

Scooping "Snow Soup" into our buckets

Tasting her snow soup

A full pot of soup for Dolly

Smiling faces

Adding a few rock "crackers" to her soup

Snow soup or stone soup?

Friday, November 19, 2010

Tot School Thanksgiving

I am running behind on getting my blog notes done and I am so THANKFUL that all of the Tot School parents have been patient with me.   A picture is worth a thousand words so I will let the photos tell the story...Happy Thanksgiving!

Free play time - serving Thanksgiving dinner

Arts and Crafts

Cutting corn and making handprint turkeys...paper confetti and colored sugar crystals everywhere!

Scissor Skills Corn Craft

Stories and Songs

Turkey Feathers Color Game

Who has the red one? Can you guess?

Thanksgiving Story

Ate sugar cone-ucopias with fruit (Trix cereal), grains (Chex), nuts, and meat (goldfish crackers).
Oreo Turkey Treats

Friday, November 12, 2010

#9 Brown Nn

Today we started with table time and played the paintbrush color matching game and did number and alphabet puzzles.  I’m so proud of these kids for knowing their colors, numbers, and letters!

Then we made “Nine Noodle Necklaces” and did a “Nine Numbers over a Noodle Nest” craft page to go with our letter and number of the day.  The verse we learned was “Make a joyful noise to the Lord. Psalm 98:4” and we colored a “Noisy Nightingale” with our verse on it. While we colored we sang “Make a Joyful Noise to the Lord” and “Engine, Engine Number 9”.  

For snack we ate pretzels, graham crackers, chocolate pudding, nuts and chocolate milk. 

During our story time we read “Brown Bear, Brown Bear”, “Alphabet Under Construction”, “Brown Rabbit in the City”, and “Nn Soundbox”.

We played in tents and threw beanbags through the circle to improve our motor skills. 

It was nice outside so we took our nets out and caught leaves.

Here are a few more fun photos from our day...